Prosperity 101

Prosperity is God’s idea. It is not some doctrine made up by a mega church pastor as a means of separating people from their money to line his own pockets. In Gen 1:26-28 God gave man specific instructions relating to him operating in the earth. He said be fruitful, multiply (not just offspring), replenish, subdue, and dominate. This sounds like Total Life Prosperity to me. Its not just about money. God wants us prosperous emotionally, physically, relationally, spiritually and financially. He wants us to live a fulfilled life with all our needs met in abundance.
The Bible does not say that God will make all His children rich. Everyone does not desire nor should be given a million dollars. Especially if they have trouble managing the hundred dollars they have presently. What father would do that to his child? By the same token we should be content, but never satisfied with our present state financially. The truth is; financial prosperity is not for you. It is designed to flow through you to someone else. You cannot be a blessing to someone else if you are still living from paycheck to paycheck. We are Gods best advertising agents. If someone can see our total lives (including financially) as prosperous, maybe they would want to be introduced to the true and living God. The key is that we check our motives. Ask yourself these questions:
Do I really have a heart for the things of God and for supporting Kingdom projects?”. Can God trust me to what He says with what He places in my hands?”
Remember if we seek first the Kingdom of God, all the things we are believing for will be added.
You see, God is not against us having material wealth, but He must have first place in our lives.
It is my desire to partake of the “blessing of the Lord” so that I may be the answer to somebody’s prayer; to show up “on time” with any resources needed to help someone or to finance a kingdom project. That’s what I call being prosperous.
P.S. By the way, let’s stop perpetuating the lie that people have to show their financial statements or W-2’s to join a particular ministry. You usually hear that from someone who has never even visited that ministry. I’m gonna borrow an National Football League commentators phrase and say “Come on, Man!” Are believers really that gullible?

4 thoughts on “Prosperity 101

  1. Agreed…yes we must seek the Kingdom of God first (his way of doing and being right) before all other/all things are add to us. We also must be mature enough to handle the THINGS of God. I mean why would he give more if we are not good stewards over the little. He desires for us have his best, but we must follow the principles outlines by him in his word.

    1. Amen, My friend. I appreciate your insight and comments. THX
      Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

  2. Hello Fredrick,good to hear from you,yes it is God’s will for us to prosper in every area of our lives and this statement speaks volumes :Remember if we seek first the Kingdom of God, all the things we are believing for will be added.
    You see, God is not against us having material wealth, but He must have first place in our lives. That is truly most important,God will not with hold any thing from us but we must keep Him first.
    Love you brother 😀

    1. Thank you so much my sister. You are such a blessing an encouragement to me. Be Blessed!
      Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

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