Happy Birthday!

People celebrate their entry into the planet in different ways. Some like to party and make a whole lot of noise. Some take special care to make sure everyone knows it’s their special day. Others would rather be left alone, for whatever reason. Maybe they dread the idea of getting older, as if they are literally one step closer to leaving the planet they have come to love. Then there are those who embrace their day as an opportunity to do more, to go further than they have gone. They choose to reflect on where they are and where the want to be in life. Whatever the case, no one thinks your birthday is as important as you do. Whether it’s a happy, joyous occasion or not, is really up to you.

The day you came to know Christ you were reborn, so in effect, you have another birthday. On that day, you may or may not  have “felt” any differently, but then  again, this rebirth is not based on feeling. You have no idea what it was like the moment you were naturally born either. Being “born again” is a renewal and regeneration of your spirit, which had been longing for a reconnection with its originator. On this day, angels  and all of heaven rejoiced with you as a new convert. You turned your life over to the Lord and it was a great day in heaven and in the earth. The difference between this day and your natural birthday, is that each day of your life, you have heaven’s help available. That is not necessarily true in the earth realm. Sometimes you can feel so alone.

The key to life here on earth lies in the believer’s ability to make withdrawals from the heavenly realm as needed for manifestation here on earth. We make those withdrawals by faith using  faith-filled words, which are spiritual containers of God’s promises. Happy days are ones with paid bills, needs met, excellent health,and families well. It is the will of God for us to enjoy the good life, therefore heaven rejoices when we walk in it as well. WE want to celebrate all year, not just one day a year,

Thou crownest the year with thy goodness; and thy paths drop fatness.   Psalms 65: 11  (KJV)

This tells me that my whole year can be blessed. I say bring it on Lord!!

Enjoy this song cause– It’s your Birthday!!



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