Making Peace

 Peace can be defined as the absence of chaos. It is a state of harmony, tranquility, or serenity. There is a freedom associated with peace. It represents freedom from civil commotion, or, in it’s simplest terms, everyone getting along. To be at peace does not necessarily mean never disagreeing with someone. There will be times when peace will have to be “made”. It is in those difficult times, when chaos would be expected, that we as children of God must choose to make peace.

“ Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” Matthew 5: 9 (KJV)

 Jesus spoke these words in his teaching that is commonly referred to as the “Beattitudes”. In other words, he was teaching his disciples to “be like this…” Note that he said peacemakers shall be called the children of God. The distinguishing mark of a believer should be that when he or she shows up, peace comes with them. After all, we do call our Lord the Prince of Peace. That’s one of the ways others will know that we’ve been with Jesus.

Unfortunately, many believers are not equipped to bring peace because they are simply not nice people. Not you, but I’m sure you’ve met someone like this. People should love to see us coming. They should enjoy us doing business with them, going to their restaurant, or buying their merchandise. But sometimes, we’re so rude, or just plain mean, that they’d rather deal with “sinners”. These things should not be. We’ll run a waiter or waitress crazy all evening and then leave them a dollar tip like we’ve just sown a huge seed in their life. I wonder what they’re calling us. I promise you, it’s not the children of God.

 Our co-workers should recognize us as the voice of righteous consciousness. We are the ones who bring quiet strength and truth to any situation. We take the lead in diffusing potential hostile situations with the peace of God which rules our hearts and minds through Jesus Christ our Lord. It is that peace which many seek today. What better way to witness to someone than with a life of peace. We might not be like Mike (Jordan), but we are of Christ, the Anointed one, who removes burdens and destroys yokes.

© Fredrick F. Nicholson all right reserved

One thought on “Making Peace

  1. Really good Fredrick,I had to laugh at the part about working the waiter to death then leaving a $1.00 tip,I know someone who did that. Wonderful and encouraging words have a wonderful evening.

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